Focus on the content of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the 2020 prime minister's government work report


  At 9 am on Friday,May 22,the third meeting of the 13th National People's Congress held an opening meeting in the Great Hall of the People.Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council made a government work report.
  Government work report
  Three major battles made key progress
  The rural poor population decreased by 11.09 million,the incidence of poverty was reduced to 0.6%,and decisive achievements in poverty alleviation were achieved.Pollution prevention and control continued to advance,the discharge of major pollutants continued to decline,and the overall ecological environment improved.Financial operations are generally stable.
  Resolutely win the fight against poverty
  This year,we must give priority to stabilizing employment and protecting people's livelihood,resolutely win the battle against poverty,and strive to achieve the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way;under the current standards,all rural poor people will be lifted out of poverty,and all poverty-stricken counties will remove their hats.Increase the strength of remaining poverty-stricken counties and villages,and make sure that the labor force is employed at the place of employment.Carry out consumer poverty alleviation actions to support the recovery and development of poverty alleviation industries.Strengthen follow-up support for poverty alleviation and relocation.Deepen cooperation in poverty alleviation between the East and the West and targeted poverty alleviation by central units.Strengthen pocket protection.Do a good job in census of poverty alleviation.Continue to promote the effective connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization,and make every effort to make the poverty-stricken people move towards wealth.
  Expand channels for farmers to increase their income
  Support farmers in employment and entrepreneurship nearby,expand the scale of work-for-relief,and allow returning migrant workers to work and earn income.Support the main body of moderate scale operation and strengthen the socialized service of farmers.
  Continue to improve the production and living conditions of farmers
  Increase the investment of special bonds to support modern agricultural facilities,drinking water safety projects and the improvement of human settlements,and continuously improve the production and living conditions of farmers.
  Strengthen new-type urbanization
  Strengthen the construction of new-type urbanization,and vigorously improve the county's public facilities and service capabilities to meet the increasing demands of farmers for employment and settlement in the county.New construction started to renovate 39,000 old communities in towns,support the installation of elevators,and develop diverse community services such as dining and cleaning.
  Stable grain planting area and output
  Focus on agricultural production.Stabilize the grain planting area and output,increase the multiple cropping index,increase the minimum purchase price of rice,increase the rewards of major grain-producing counties,and vigorously prevent and control major pests and diseases.Punish illegal and illegal occupation of cultivated land and build 80 million mu of high-standard farmland.Deepen rural reform.Resume pig production.The governor responsible for compacting"rice bags"and the mayor responsible for"vegetable baskets".
  Promote fair development and quality improvement of education
  Promote fair development and quality improvement of education.Organize the education and teaching of elementary and middle schools and college entrance examination in an orderly manner.Strengthen the construction of township boarding schools and county schools,run special education and continuing education,support and standardize private education,and help private kindergartens rescue.Promote the construction of first-class universities and first-class disciplines.Expand the enrollment of colleges and universities for rural and poor areas.
  Strengthen basic livelihood security
  Raise the basic pension for retirees and raise the minimum standard of basic pension for urban and rural residents.Nearly 300 million people across the country receive pensions and must ensure that they are paid in full and on time.Expand the scope of unemployment insurance protection and include unemployed persons such as migrant workers who have been insured for less than one year in the place of permanent residence.Expand the scope of the Dibao guarantee,ensure that the urban and rural families in need are fully guaranteed,and include eligible urban unemployed and returnees to the Dibao in time.Those who have encountered temporary difficulties due to disasters and illnesses should be rescued.To ensure the basic livelihood of all the people in difficulty,the protection of people's livelihood will also help more unemployed people dare to start their own businesses again.

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