Guangdong, Shenzhen and Zhuhai passed the "No Wild Order" on the same day. Shenzhen fasted cats and dogs with a maximum penalty of 30 times, and issued wild bans in many places...


  Since the outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic,the major hidden dangers posed by wild animal trade and overeating to public health safety have aroused great concern from the society.After the nationwide decision to eliminate the bad habits of overeating wild animals,many countries in my country have made legislation to ban wild animals.  
  On March 31,the Standing Committees of the People’s Congress of Guangdong,Shenzhen and Zhuhai adopted the respective“no-wild orders”on the same day,showing different characteristics in accordance with local reality.
  The range of fasting is slightly different  
  1.Guangdong“Prohibition of Wilderness Orders”:Wild animals protected under these regulations refer to the national key protected wild animals,provincial key protected wild animals,and terrestrial wild animals with important ecological,scientific,and social values​​(referred to as Sanyou Wild Protection)animal).  
  According to the person in charge of the relevant department of Guangdong Forestry Bureau,according to the resource survey,Guangdong has confirmed that there are more than 900 terrestrial wild animals(including 140 mammals,590 birds,150 reptiles,and 60 amphibians).),including 114 species(such as South China Tiger,Crocodile Lizard,Yellow-bellied Pheasant,Forest Musk Deer,Leopard,Python,etc.)included in the National Key Conservation Wildlife List,including 19 species of national-level protected wild animals,silver pheasant(provincial bird),black 95 species of national second-level protected wildlife such as face spoonbill,pangolin,macaque,etc.),76 species of terrestrial wild animals under provincial protection,and more than 620 terrestrial wild animals(three protected wild animals)with important ecological,scientific and social values Species.
  2.Shenzhen“Forbidden Field Order”gives“black and white list”
  Blacklist:Shenzhen includes national key protected wild animals and other terrestrial wild animals that naturally grow and reproduce in the wild environment,and terrestrial wild animals that are artificially propagated and raised are fully included in the prohibited range.
  At the same time,Shenzhen is the first city in the mainland to ban cats and dogs in legislation.Liu Shuguang,the legal work committee and director of the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee,also said:"Cats and dogs,as pets,are more close to humans than other animals.Relationship,prohibiting the consumption of pets such as cats and dogs is a common practice in many developed countries and Hong Kong,Taiwan and other regions,and it is also the requirement and embodiment of modern human civilization."
  White list:Edible animals include pigs,cattle,sheep,donkeys,rabbits,chickens,ducks,geese,pigeons,quails listed in the National Animal and Poultry Genetic Resources List Poultry and livestock,and aquatic animals that are not prohibited from consumption according to laws and regulations."Previously,the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs had confirmed that most of the farmed turtles including Chinese turtles and turtles,as well as the two imported species of bullfrogs and American frogs in frogs,could be cultured and eaten.
  3.Zhuhai“Prohibition of Wilderness Orders”:Wild animal fasting includes wildlife under national key protection;terrestrial wild animals with important ecological,scientific and social values​​and other terrestrial wild animals announced by the wildlife protection department under the State Council,including Artificial breeding and artificial breeding of terrestrial wild animals;other wild animals prohibited from consumption by laws and regulations.
  Different levels of penalty
  The maximum penalty is 20 times for Guangdong,and 30 times for Shenzhen and Zhuhai.
  Guangdong can punish up to 20 times the value of the national key protected wild animals and their products.
  Shenzhen may punish illegal consumption of wild animals and their products by up to 30 times the value of goods.
  Zhuhai imposes fines of more than five times and less than thirty times the value of wild animals and their products for each person who eats them.The regulations will come into effect on May 1,2020.
  Gansu,Shanxi,and Jiangxi also enacted a"No Wild Order"
  Gansu:On April 1,Gansu passed the"Decision on the Comprehensive Prohibition of Illegal Wildlife Trading,Elimination of the Abuse of Wildlife Eating and the Safeguarding of People's Health and Safety",Gansu Province will comprehensively ban illegal wildlife trading,and close and seal sales in accordance with the law Stores,stalls,game restaurants and other places where wild animals are eaten.
  The"Decision"also requires that the consumption of"terrestrial wildlife with important ecological,scientific,and social value"and other terrestrial wildlife protected by the state,including artificial breeding and artificial breeding of terrestrial wild animals,be completely prohibited.Animals included in the livestock genetic resources catalog are livestock and poultry,and shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the"Livestock Law of the People's Republic of China".Due to special circumstances such as scientific research,medicinal use,display,etc.,non-edible use of wild animals shall be carried out,in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state and this province,strict approval and quarantine inspection shall be implemented.
  Gansu is an important distribution area of​​wild animals,with abundant wild animal resources.There are 116 species of wild animals under national protection,including 33 species of first-level protected animals,83 species of second-level protected animals,and 21 species of local key protected animals.
  Shanxi:On March 31,the newly revised"Measures for the Implementation of the"Protection Law on Wild Animals of the People's Republic of China"in Shanxi Province"was reviewed and approved at the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th Provincial People's Congress and will be implemented as of the date of promulgation.It is stipulated that operators of online trading platforms,commodity trading markets,catering services,and other places of consumption,transportation,warehousing,and delivery shall not provide conditions,places,or other services for wildlife trading.It is forbidden to hunt and hunt terrestrial wild animals that naturally grow and reproduce in the wild environment for the purpose of eating.Units and individuals are encouraged to report illegal eating,trading,and hunting of wild animals.Relevant departments should handle the report in a timely manner.
  Jiangxi:On March 26,Jiangxi formally implemented the"Jiangxi Provincial Measures for Prohibiting Illegal Trading and Edible Wild Animals"in the whole province,which stipulates that no unit or individual may produce,operate or use food made from prohibited wild animals,The advertisements,signboards,and recipes of wild animals such as names,nicknames,and patterns are used to solicit and induce customers to eat.Due to other special circumstances,such as scientific research,medical and medicinal use,exhibition and display,tourism and sightseeing,species protection,seed breeding,cultural relics protection,etc.,and the need for non-edible use of wild animals,strict approval and quarantine inspection shall be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations.
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