The 2020 Central Document No. 1 is here (full text attached)


  State Council of the CPC Central Committee
  On grasping the key work in the field of agriculture,rural areas and farmers
  Ensuring the realization of a comprehensive well-off opinion as scheduled
  (January 2,2020)  
  Since the 19th National Congress of the Party,the Party Central Committee has made a series of major deployments and issued a series of policy measures to win the battle against poverty and implement the strategy of rural revitalization.The practice of agricultural and rural reform and development has proved that the principles and policies formulated by the Party Central Committee are completely correct,and they will continue to be implemented in the next period.
  2020 is the year of achieving the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way,and the year of comprehensively winning the fight against poverty and ending the battle.The Party Central Committee believes that to accomplish the above two major objectives and tasks,the last bastion must be overcome to overcome poverty and the outstanding shortcomings in the field of a comprehensive well-off"three agriculture"must be made up.Well-off is not a well-off,the key depends on fellow.The quality of poverty alleviation and the prosperity of a well-off society depend largely on the effectiveness of the work of the"three rural issues."The whole party must have a profound understanding of the special importance of doing a good job in the"three rural issues"in 2020,without any slack,continue to work hard,and resolutely win the first comprehensive victory of the goal of 100 years of struggle.
  The general requirements for doing a good job in the"three rural issues"in 2020 are to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era and fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the CPC and the Second,Third,and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee The spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference,the benchmarks and tables,the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way,strengthening measures and implementing them,concentrating efforts to complete the two key tasks of winning the poverty alleviation and supplementing the comprehensive well-off"three rural"areas,highlighting shortcomings,and continuing to grasp Improve agricultural stability,ensure supply and increase farmers'income,promote high-quality development of agriculture,maintain rural society's harmony and stability,improve the sense of peasant's sense of well-being,happiness,and security,ensure the successful completion of the poverty alleviation campaign,and ensure a comprehensive and well-off society in the countryside.
  1.Resolutely win the battle against poverty
  (1)Complete the task of poverty alleviation.A decisive achievement has been made in tackling poverty,and the vast majority of the poor have already got rid of poverty.It is now at the stage of attacking the city and pursuing a complete defeat.We must persist in targeted poverty alleviation,use more effective measures and more detailed work,and on the basis of universal realization of"two worry-free",comprehensively solve the"three guarantees"and drinking water safety issues to ensure that the remaining poor people get out of poverty as scheduled.We will further focus on the deeply impoverished areas such as the"three districts and three states",aim at highlighting problems and weak links,and concentrate our efforts on the implementation of policies.For counties and administrative villages with high levels of poverty,high incidence of poverty,and difficulty in poverty alleviation in deeply impoverished areas,we must organize elite forces to provide strong assistance and list wars.For special poor groups,comprehensive social security policies such as subsistence allowances,medical insurance,old-age insurance,aid and support for the destitute,and temporary assistance should be implemented to achieve full coverage.Finances at all levels should continue to increase special poverty alleviation funds.The newly added part of the central finance is mainly used in"three regions and three states"and other deeply impoverished areas.Optimize supporting policies such as linking the increase and decrease of urban and rural construction land and micro-credit for poverty alleviation.Promote in-depth efforts to grasp party building and promote poverty alleviation.
  (2)Consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and prevent return to poverty.All localities should conduct a comprehensive investigation of the people who have been lifted out of poverty,earnestly search for loopholes and missing items,clear one by one rectification,and reconcile accounts one by one.Summarize and promote the experience and practices of various regions,improve the monitoring and early warning mechanism,strengthen the dynamic monitoring of unstable and marginalized households and marginal households,and include the returning and newly impoverished populations in a timely manner to provide assistance to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation.Strengthen industrial poverty alleviation,employment poverty alleviation,deepen consumer poverty alleviation,and increase follow-up support for poverty alleviation and relocation.Expand the scale of returning farmland to forest and grassland in poor areas.Deepen the support of Zhizhi to wisdom,and stimulate the endogenous impetus of the poor.
  (3)Do a good job in assessment,acceptance and publicity.Strictly control poverty exit,strictly implement poverty exit standards and procedures,resolutely put an end to digital poverty alleviation and false poverty alleviation,and ensure that the achievements of poverty alleviation can stand the test of history.Strengthen normalized supervision,find problems in time,and supervise rectification.Carry out a general survey on poverty alleviation.Do a good job in publicizing poverty alleviation efforts,comprehensively display the new era of poverty alleviation and poverty reduction,comprehensively publicize the historic achievements of poverty alleviation,profoundly reveal the institutional advantages behind the great achievements in poverty alleviation,and tell the world a vivid story of poverty reduction in China.
  (4)Maintain the overall stability of the poverty alleviation policy.Persevere in poverty-stricken counties to remove hats,responsibilities,policies,assistance,and supervision.Strengthen the implementation of responsibilities for poverty alleviation,continue to implement the main support policies for poverty-stricken counties,further increase cooperation in poverty alleviation between East and West,counterpart assistance,targeted poverty alleviation,and social poverty alleviation,stabilize the poverty alleviation work team,and strengthen grassroots assistance forces.Continue to carry out special governance on corruption and work style in the field of poverty alleviation.For counties that have achieved stable poverty alleviation,provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government)can arrange special poverty alleviation funds according to the actual situation to support the poverty-stricken people in non-poor counties and non-poor villages.
  (5)Study and continue to promote poverty reduction.After the task of poverty alleviation is completed,my country's poverty situation will undergo major changes.The focus of poverty alleviation work will be shifted to solving relative poverty,and the way of poverty alleviation will be adjusted from centralized operations to normal progress.It is necessary to study and establish a long-term mechanism for solving relative poverty,and promote the steady transformation of poverty reduction strategies and work systems.Strengthen the top-level design to solve the relative poverty problem,and include the overall arrangement of implementing the rural revitalization strategy.Pay close attention to studying and formulating opinions on the organic connection between poverty alleviation and implementation of rural revitalization strategies.
  2.Benchmarking to build a well-off society in an all-round way
  Accelerate the replenishment of rural infrastructure and public service shortcomings
  (6)Strengthen the construction of rural public infrastructure.Promote the“four good rural roads”demonstration creation to improve quality and expand the area,and start the demonstration creation within the province and city.On the basis of fulfilling the tasks of qualified village-built hardened roads and bus-passengers,the construction of large-scale natural villages(groups)and other hardened roads should be promoted in an orderly manner.Support the construction and reconstruction of roads in the village.Increase the support for reform and transfer of refined oil taxes and fees to rural road maintenance.Speed​​up the legislative process of rural road regulations.Strengthen rural road traffic safety management.Completion of the"Three Districts and Three States"and the upgrading and reconstruction plan of the power grid in Dingbian Village.Basically realize the universal coverage of the administrative village optical fiber network and the fourth generation mobile communication network.To implement the management and protection responsibilities of rural public infrastructure,the management and protection costs that should be borne by the government are included in the government budget.Do a good job in village planning.
  (7)Improve the level of rural water supply security.Complete the task of consolidating and upgrading rural drinking water safety.Make overall plans for the construction of rural drinking water infrastructure,and promote the construction of large-scale water supply projects in areas with a relatively concentrated population.Areas with conditions extend the urban pipeline network to the countryside and promote the integration of urban and rural water supply.The central government increased its support to subsidize the repair and maintenance of rural drinking water safety projects in the central and western regions and the former Central Soviet Area.Strengthen the protection of drinking water sources in rural areas and do a good job of water quality monitoring.
  (8)Do a good job in the improvement of rural human settlement environment.To promote the rural toilet revolution by category,areas with basic conditions,such as the eastern region and the suburbs in the mid-western cities,should basically complete the harmless transformation of rural household toilets.All localities should choose the appropriate technology and toilet-modification model,and start a pilot project to prove it is feasible before pushing it away.Comprehensively promote the treatment of rural domestic waste,and carry out pilot projects for on-site classification and source reduction.Step by step to promote the treatment of rural domestic sewage,giving priority to solving the domestic sewage problem in the township and central villages.Carry out the renovation of black and odorous water bodies in rural areas.Support farmers to carry out village cleaning and greening actions,and promote the construction of"beautiful homes".Encourage qualified places to provide subsidies for the repair and maintenance of public facilities in the rural human settlement environment.
  (9)Improve the quality of rural education.Strengthen the construction of township boarding schools,coordinate the layout of small-scale rural schools,improve the conditions for running schools,and improve the quality of teaching.Strengthen the construction of rural teachers,comprehensively implement"county management and school employment"of teachers at the stage of compulsory education,and plan to arrange teachers from county schools to teach in rural areas.Implement the policy that the average salary income of primary and middle school teachers is not lower than or higher than the average salary income of local civil servants.The evaluation of teacher titles is inclined to rural school teachers.Qualified rural school teachers are included in the local government housing security system.Continue to promote the special action for controlling compulsory education dropouts in rural areas,and consolidate the achievements of compulsory education popularization.Increase the supply of degrees to effectively solve the problem of migrant children attending school.Pay attention to rural preschool education and increase the supply of inclusive preschool education resources through multiple channels.Strengthen rural special education.We will vigorously improve the national language skills of rural teachers in the central and western regions,and strengthen the Mandarin education of pre-school children in poor areas.Expand the enrollment of vocational education schools in rural areas and improve the quality of vocational education.
  (10)Strengthen rural primary medical and health services.Run county-level hospitals,promote the construction of standardized township hospitals,transform and upgrade village clinics,and eliminate gaps in medical services.Steadily promote the construction of a close county medical and health community.Strengthen the construction of the rural doctor team,and appropriately simplify the recruitment process of medical graduates with bachelor degree or above or general practitioners qualified by resident doctors.Corresponding to the medical college graduates who have been hired to work in rural areas in the central and western regions and rural areas in difficult and remote areas,they will be given tuition compensation during the university period and national student loan compensation.All localities are allowed to make good use of the existing establishment resources of primary health institutions,and township hospitals can give priority to hiring qualified village doctors.Strengthen the construction of grassroots disease prevention and control teams,and do a good job in the prevention and control of major diseases and infectious diseases.Incorporate cervical cancer and breast cancer screening of rural women of appropriate age into the scope of basic public health services.
  (11)Strengthen rural social security.Appropriately raise the financial subsidies and personal payment standards for basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents.Improve the basic medical insurance,serious illness insurance,and medical assistance of urban and rural residents,and realize"one-stop service,one window,one bill settlement"within the prefecture-level city.Strengthen the dynamic and precise management of rural minimum living security targets,and reasonably improve the level of social assistance such as low living security.Improve the care service system for rural left-behind children,women and the elderly.Develop rural mutual aid pensions,construct day care centers in various forms,and improve nursing services for the disabled and the severely disabled.
  (12)Improve rural public cultural services.Promote the extension of basic public cultural services to rural areas and expand the coverage of rural cultural benefit projects.Encourage urban literary groups and literary and art workers to send culture to the countryside regularly.Implement rural cultural talent training projects,support the development of local literary and art troupes,support rural non-genetic inheritors and folk artists to adopt apprenticeships,and develop excellent opera and folk art,minority culture,and folk culture.Protect historical and cultural towns(village),traditional villages,ethnic villages,traditional buildings,agricultural cultural heritage,ancient trees and famous trees.With the theme of"Celebrating Harvest and Wealth Well-off,"the Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival will be held well.
  (XIII)Govern the outstanding problems of rural ecological environment.Vigorously promote the utilization of livestock and poultry manure,and basically complete the construction of manure treatment facilities on large-scale farms.Deepen the action of pesticide and fertilizer reduction,strengthen the control of agricultural film pollution,and promote the comprehensive utilization of straw.Implement year-round bans in key waters of the Yangtze River Basin,and do a good job of fishermen's retreat.Promote the effective governance model of black land protection,promote the treatment of erosion ditch,and launch the implementation of the conservation farming action plan for black land in Northeast China.Steadily promote the management,restoration and utilization of agricultural land soil pollution.Continue to implement comprehensive treatment of groundwater over-exploitation in North China.Pilot projects for comprehensive improvement of rural water systems were launched.
  3.Guarantee the effective supply of important agricultural products
  And promote the continuous increase of farmers'income
  (14)Stable food production.Ensuring food security has always been a top priority in governing the country.Grain production should be stable,policy,area and output.Strengthen the assessment of the food security governor's responsibility system,and the provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities)should maintain basically stable grain planting area and output in 2020.Further improve the agricultural subsidy policy.Adjust and improve the minimum purchase price policy for rice and wheat,and stabilize the basic income of farmers.Advance the pilot of full cost insurance and income insurance for rice,wheat and corn.Increase support for high-yield soybean varieties and new agronomic promotion of corn and soybean intercropping.Grasp the prevention and control of major pests such as Spodoptera frugiperda,and promote service models such as unified prevention and control,farming and seed generation,and land trusteeship.Increase the incentives for major grain-producing counties,and prioritize the allocation of agricultural product processing land use indicators.Support major grain-producing counties to carry out cross-provincial transfers of newly-added farmland indicators for the construction of high-standard farmland,and the transfer income will be used to build high-standard farmland according to regulations.In-depth implementation of high-quality food engineering.Focus on the northern farming-pastoral ecotone to expand the scale of grain replacement feeding and promote the combination of farming and animal husbandry.Improve Xinjiang's cotton target price policy.Expand diversified import channels and increase the import of agricultural products that meet domestic demand.Expand the export of advantageous agricultural products.In-depth development of special action on comprehensive management of agricultural products anti-smuggling.
  (15)Accelerate the resumption of hog production.Stable production and supply of live pigs is a major issue in the current economic work.Comprehensive measures should be taken to ensure that the production capacity of live pigs will basically return to the level of normal years before the end of 2020.Implement the"provincial responsibility",compact the"cargo basket"mayor responsibility system,strengthen county-level implementation responsibility to ensure pork supply.Adhere to the combination of supplementary feeding and raising and epidemic prevention and control,promote standard-scale breeding of live pigs,strengthen epidemic prevention services for small and medium-sized free-range households,and do a good job in feed production security.Strictly implement various policies and measures to support the production of live pigs,and pay close attention to opening up bottlenecks such as environmental assessment,land use,and credit.Correct the problems of randomly expanding restricted and prohibited areas and engaging in"no pig market"and"no pig county".Strictly implement the African swine fever epidemic situation reporting system and prevention and control measures to speed up the vaccine research and development process.Strengthen the construction of animal epidemic prevention systems,implement epidemic prevention personnel and funding guarantees,and implement a special appointment plan for township animal epidemic prevention in large pig counties.Guide the transfer of slaughtering and processing of live pigs to concentrated breeding areas,gradually reduce the long-distance transfer of live pigs,and promote the transformation of"pig transport"to"meat transport".Strengthen market monitoring and regulation,do a good job in maintaining pork supply and stabilizing prices,crack down on market disruption,and promptly initiate a linkage mechanism between social assistance and security standards and price increases.Support the production of dairy,poultry,cattle and sheep,and guide the optimization of the meat consumption structure.Promote green and healthy aquaculture,and strengthen the construction and management reform of fishing ports.
  (16)Strengthen the construction of modern agricultural facilities.Early planning and implementation of a number of major modern agricultural investment projects to support early implementation of projects,effectively expand agricultural investment.Focus on grain production functional areas and important agricultural product production protection areas to accelerate the construction of high-standard farmland,revise the construction plan,rationally determine the investment standards,improve the engineering construction,acceptance,supervision and inspection mechanisms to ensure the construction of one piece.Complete the construction of supporting facilities and water-saving transformation of large and medium-sized irrigation districts as scheduled,improve the ability of flood control and drought resistance,and increase the intensity of agricultural water saving.Quickly start and start construction of a number of major water conservancy projects and supporting facilities,accelerate the preliminary work of the follow-up project of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project,and advance the project construction in due course.Start the construction project of cold chain logistics facilities for storage and preservation of agricultural products.Strengthen the overall planning,hierarchical layout and standard formulation of cold chain logistics of agricultural products.Arrange investment within the central budget and support the construction of a number of backbone cold chain logistics bases.The state supports family farms,farmer cooperatives,supply and marketing cooperatives,postal express companies,and leading industrialized enterprises to build facilities for sorting and packaging of production areas,refrigerated storage,storage and transportation,primary processing,etc.,and implements agricultural production of electricity for the storage and storage facilities constructed in rural areas.Electricity price.Rely on existing resources to build agricultural and rural big data centers,and accelerate the application of modern information technologies such as the Internet of Things,big data,blockchain,artificial intelligence,fifth-generation mobile communication networks,and smart weather in the agricultural field.Carry out a national digital village pilot.
  (17)Develop rich rural industries.Support all localities to build a unique agricultural whole industrial chain based on resource advantages,establish and improve a mechanism for farmers to share the value-added benefits of the industrial chain,form a competitive industrial cluster,and promote the integrated development of rural one,two and three industries.Accelerate the construction of modern agricultural industrial parks in the country,provinces,cities and counties,support the construction of demonstration parks for the integration and development of rural industries,and do well in rural“double-creation”bases.Focus on cultivating new-type agricultural business entities such as family farms and farmer cooperatives,cultivating agricultural industrialization consortiums,and integrating small farmers into the agricultural industrial chain through order agriculture,share dividends,and custody services.Continue to adjust and optimize the agricultural structure,strengthen the certification and management of green food,organic agricultural products,and geographical indication agricultural products,build well-known local agricultural product brands,and increase the supply of high-quality green agricultural products.Effectively develop rural markets,expand the coverage of e-commerce into rural areas,support supply and marketing cooperatives,postal express companies and other extended rural logistics service networks,strengthen the construction of village-level e-commerce service stations,and promote the two-way circulation of agricultural products into the city and industrial products to the countryside.Strengthen the whole process of agricultural product quality safety and food safety supervision,establish and improve the traceability system to ensure the"safety of the tongue"of the people.Guide and encourage industrial and commercial capital to go to the countryside and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs.Formulate statistical classification of agriculture and related industries and strengthen statistical accounting to fully and accurately reflect the value of the entire industrial chain of agricultural production,processing,logistics,marketing,and services.
  (18)Stabilize the employment of migrant workers.Implement supporting policies such as tax cuts and fee reductions for enterprises,increase the intensity of assistance to enterprises to stabilize jobs,relax the conditions for applying for unemployment insurance to stabilize jobs,and improve the subsidy standards for migrant workers to improve their skills.After being unemployed,migrant workers can register for unemployment in their place of permanent residence and enjoy equal public employment services.Issue and implement regulations to guarantee the payment of wages to migrant workers.Focusing on government-invested projects and engineering construction areas,carry out investigation and rectification of the wage payment of migrant workers,implement the“blacklist”system of wage arrears of migrant workers,and implement various measures to eradicate wage arrears.Implement skills training in housekeeping services,elderly care,hospital care,catering and cooking,e-commerce, build a regional labor service brand.Local governments are encouraged to establish public welfare posts such as village cleaners,water managers,roadmen,and ecological foresters.Carry out a pilot program for occupational injury protection for employees in new formats.Deepen the implementation of the cultivation action of rural innovation and entrepreneurship leaders,and include eligible migrant workers who return to their hometowns to be included in the scope of one-time entrepreneurial subsidies.
  4.Strengthening rural grassroots governance
  (19)Give full play to the leading role of party organizations.Rural grassroots party organizations are the basis of all the Party's work and combat effectiveness in the countryside.We must conscientiously implement the"Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Rural Grassroots Organizations",organize the masses to develop rural industries,enhance the collective economic strength,and lead the masses to get rich together;mobilize the masses to participate in rural governance,enhance the sense of ownership,maintain rural harmony and stability;educate the masses to eliminate stereotypes and bad habits,Promote public order and good customs,cultivate civilized rural customs;close contact with the masses,improve the ability to serve the masses,unite the masses closely around the party,and build the party's ruling foundation in the countryside.Fully implement the village party organization secretary county party committee record management system,establish the village"two committees"member county joint review normalization mechanism,continue to rectify the weak and loose village party organizations,and play the leadership role of party organizations in various rural organizations.Strictly supervise and manage the secretary of the village party organization,establish and improve the leadership coordination of the party committee organization department,participate in the civil affairs,agriculture and rural departments and strengthen the guidance of the village affairs supervision mechanism,and fully implement the"four discussions and two openness".Increase the intensity of rural grassroots inspections.Strengthen the communication and coordination and effective connection between the grassroots discipline inspection and supervision organizations and the village affairs supervision committee to form a joint supervision force.Increase efforts to develop party members among young farmers.Continue to send the first secretary to poor villages,weak and scattered villages,and villages with weak collective economy.Strengthen the funding guarantee for the operation of village organizations.Improve the entrepreneurial mechanism that encourages village cadres and officers.Select and match strong township leadership groups,especially township party committee secretaries.Carry out a"Let's listen to the party's words,feel the party's gratitude,follow the party"publicity activities in the countryside.
  (20)Improve the rural governance work system.Adhere to the linkage of counties and villages,push the focus of social governance and services down to the grassroots level,sink more resources to towns and villages,and improve the effectiveness of rural governance.The county level is the"first-line headquarters".It is necessary to strengthen overall planning,implement leadership responsibilities,strengthen the work orientation at the grassroots level,and enhance the people's work skills.Establish a village-inclusive system of county-level leading cadres and principal leaders of county-level departments.Townships are service centers for agriculture.They must strengthen management services,integrate approval,service,and law enforcement forces,establish and improve a unified management service platform,and realize one-stop processing.Enrich the rural human settlement environment improvement,homestead management,collective asset management,people's livelihood security,social services and other working forces.The administrative village is the basic governance unit.It is necessary to strengthen self-management,self-service,self-education,and self-supervision,improve the grassroots democratic system,improve the village regulations and civil agreements,and promote the institutionalization,standardization,and proceduralization of villagers’autonomy.Carry out a pilot demonstration of the construction of a rural governance system that combines autonomy,the rule of law and the rule of virtue,and promote innovative typical case experience in rural governance.Pay attention to the important role of family tutoring and family style in rural governance.
  (21)mediate and resolve rural conflicts and disputes.Adhere to and develop the"Maple Bridge Experience"of the new era,further strengthen the people's mediation work,so that small things can't go out of the village,big things can't go out of the country,and contradictions can't be turned in.Unblock the channels of expression of peasants'demands and properly handle peasants'reasonable demands in a timely manner.Continue to rectify behaviors that infringe on the interests of farmers,and properly resolve conflicts in land contracting,land acquisition and demolition,migrant workers'wages,and environmental pollution.We will implement a system of regular visits by leading cadres,especially city and county leading cadres,at the grassroots level,and actively resolve the accumulated cases of letters and visits.Organize various legal services such as"one village,one legal consultant".For major decision-making matters that directly affect the vital interests of farmers and easily cause risks to social stability,a risk assessment must be conducted first.
  (22)Deeply promote the construction of safe countryside.Promote the anti-crime special campaign in depth,severely crack down on illegal encroachment on rural collective assets,poverty alleviation funds,and violations of the personal rights of rural women and children,advance the anti-corruption struggle and grassroots"flying",establish prevention and rectification"Village Tyrant"long-term mechanism.Manage religious affairs in rural areas according to law,stop illegal religious activities,prevent the penetration of cults into rural areas,and prevent the spread of feudal superstition.Strengthen public security work in rural areas,and implement grid management and services.Carry out actions to control counterfeit and shoddy food in rural areas.Crack down on illegal and illegal production and sale of fake and inferior agricultural materials.Strengthen rural disaster prevention and mitigation capacity building.Comprehensively investigate and rectify various security risks in rural areas.
  5.Strengthen the safeguard measures for supplementing shortcomings in rural areas
  (Twenty-three)Give priority to guaranteeing the input of"agriculture,rural areas and farmers".Increasing the central and local governments'investment in agriculture,rural areas and farmers,the central budget's investment continued to be tilted towards agriculture and rural areas,to ensure that financial investment is compatible with the outstanding shortcomings in the field of comprehensive well-off agriculture,rural areas and farmers.The local government shall arrange a certain scale of general bond expenditures to support eligible poverty alleviation and relocation and rural revitalization projects.All localities should orderly expand the scale of the issuance of special bonds to support rural revitalization.All departments at the central and provincial levels should optimize the structure of the use of agricultural funds in accordance with the needs of shortcomings.In accordance with the requirements of“taken from agriculture,mainly used in agriculture”,we should pay close attention to the opinions on adjusting and perfecting the use of land transfer income to further increase the proportion of agricultural and rural inputs.Adjust and improve the scope of subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery,and give the province greater autonomy.Study the policies after the current round of grassland ecological protection supplementary policy expires.Strengthen the positive incentives for monetary,fiscal and taxation,and regulatory policies for“three rural”credits,provide low-cost capital support,improve risk tolerance,and optimize accurate incentive measures.For financial institutions with legal entities in counties and businesses in counties,moderately expand the amount of small loans to support agriculture and agriculture.Deepen the reform of rural credit cooperatives and uphold the status of county legal person.Strengthen assessment and guidance,and reasonably increase the deposit-loan ratio of counties with severe capital outflows.Commercial banks are encouraged to issue special financial bonds such as"Sannong"and small and micro enterprises.Implement preferential tax policies for small loans for farmers.Qualified family farms and other new agricultural business entities can enjoy the current tax deduction and exemption policies for small and micro enterprises.Reasonably set the term of agricultural loans to match the agricultural production cycle.Give full play to the role of the national agricultural credit guarantee system,and expand the guarantee business for new-type agricultural business entities.Promote mortgage financing for greenhouses,breeding farms,large-scale agricultural machinery,and land management rights in accordance with the law.We will steadily expand the pilot of rural inclusive financial reform,encourage local governments to carry out county-level farmers’and SMEs’​​credit rating evaluations,accelerate the construction of an inclusive financial service system that combines online and offline,and share the risks of“banking and insurance”,and launch more mortgage-free,Guarantee-free,low interest rate,sustainable inclusive financial products.Grasp the implementation of the agricultural insurance premium subsidy policy,and urge insurance institutions to settle claims in full and on time.Optimize the"insurance+futures"pilot model and continue to promote the listing of agricultural futures options.
  (24)To solve the problem of rural development land use.Adhere to the red line of protection of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland.Improve the land use policy system for rural industrial development,clarify the types of land use and land supply methods,and implement classified management.The land for auxiliary facilities such as fresh-keeping and refrigeration,drying and storage,agricultural machinery warehouses,sorting and packaging,waste disposal,and management and nursing rooms for agricultural planting and breeding shall be included in the management of agricultural land,and the upper limit of the scale of auxiliary facilities shall be determined reasonably according to the actual production.Cultivated land can be used for agricultural facilities.Strengthen the supervision of land for agricultural facilities,and strictly prohibit non-agricultural construction under the name of land for agricultural facilities.Carry out pilot projects for comprehensive land consolidation in rural areas and optimize the layout of rural production,living and ecological space.Under the premise of complying with the national spatial planning,the rural collective construction land surplus through village remediation and land consolidation is preferentially used for the development of rural industrial projects.The newly formulated county-level township spatial planning should arrange no less than 10%of the construction land index,with a focus on protecting the land for rural industrial development.When formulating the annual land use plan at the provincial level,at least 5%of the newly-added construction land index should be arranged to protect the land for key rural industries and projects.Rural collective construction land can be directly used to develop rural industries through shareholding and lease.In accordance with the requirements of the"Release Management Service"reform,comprehensively review the approval of rural collective construction land,simplify the examination and approval procedures,and delegate approval authority.Promote the reform of“multiple examinations in one and multiple certificates in one”in the examination and approval of rural construction.We will pay close attention to the introduction of policy opinions to support the integration of rural land,industry and tertiary industry.
  (25)Promote talents to the countryside.Cultivate more talents who know farmers and love agriculture,take root in the countryside,and promote the application of more scientific and technological achievements to the fields.Channels for various types of talents to go to the countryside are supported,and college students,retired soldiers,and entrepreneurs are encouraged to start business in rural officials.Integrate and use various resources such as agricultural broadcasting schools,agricultural research institutes,agricultural colleges,and leading agricultural enterprises to accelerate the construction of a high-quality farmer education and training system.Implement a system for the overall training and use of talents within the county.Organize and mobilize urban scientific researchers,engineers,planners,architects,teachers,and doctors to go to the countryside for service.In principle,teachers and doctors in urban primary and secondary schools must have at least one year of experience in rural grassroots work before being promoted to senior professional titles.Optimize the setting of majors in agriculture-related disciplines,and explore the implementation of"advance batch"admission for urgently-needed majors in agriculture.Pay close attention to the opinions on promoting the promotion of rural talents.
  (26)Strengthen the supporting role of science and technology.Strengthen the key technological breakthroughs in agriculture,deploy a number of major scientific and technological projects,and seize the commanding heights of science and technology.Strengthen the research and development of agricultural biotechnology,vigorously implement the seed industry independent innovation project,implement the national agricultural germplasm resource protection and utilization project,and promote the construction of scientific research and breeding bases for southern breeding.Accelerate the development and application of large and medium-sized,intelligent,and complex agricultural machinery,and support the mechanized transformation of farmland in hilly and mountainous areas.Deepen the implementation of the science and technology commissioner system,and further develop and strengthen the science and technology commissioner team.To adopt long-term and stable support methods,strengthen the construction of modern agricultural industry technology system,expand the coverage of characteristic superior agricultural products,and allocate scientific and technological resources to the entire agricultural industry chain.Strengthen the construction of agricultural industry technology innovation center.Strengthen the construction of innovative platform bases such as the National Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone and the National Agricultural Science and Technology Park.Speed​​up the construction of a modern meteorological service system for agriculture.
  (27)Do a good job of key rural reform tasks.Improve the basic rural management system,carry out the second 30-year trial period after the expiration of the land contract,and study and formulate specific methods for contract extension on the basis of the pilot project.Encourage the development of various forms of moderate-scale operations,and improve the comprehensive agricultural social service system for small farmers.Formulate a supporting system for rural collective operating construction land to enter the market.Strict management of rural homesteads,strengthen supervision of homesteads approved by townships,and prevent uncontrolled land occupation.Solidly promote the registration and certification of the right to use homesteads.Focusing on the exploration of the“three separation of powers”​​of homestead ownership,eligibility,and use rights,we will further deepen the pilot reform of the rural homestead system.Comprehensively push forward the reform of the rural collective property rights system,orderly carry out work such as the identification of collective members,the quantification of collective assets into shares,the reform of the shareholding cooperative system,and the registration and assignment of collective economic organizations.Explore and broaden the development path of rural collective economy and strengthen the management of collective assets.Continue to deepen the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives and improve their ability to serve agriculture.Accelerate the reform of agricultural reclamation,forest farms in state-owned forest areas,collective forest rights system,grassland contract management system,and agricultural water price.Deepen the reform of comprehensive agricultural administrative law enforcement,improve the law enforcement system,and improve law enforcement capabilities.
  The key to doing a good job of"three rural issues"lies in the party.Party committees and governments at all levels should thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the work of"agriculture,rural areas,and farmers",fully implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party,and put system building and governance capacity building in the work of"agriculture,rural areas,and agriculture"Position,stabilize the basic rural policies,and improve the new era"three rural"work system framework and policy system.Conscientiously implement the"Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Rural Work",strengthen the Party's overall leadership over the work of"agriculture,rural areas and farmers",adhere to the priority of agricultural and rural development,strengthen the five-level secretary to grasp the responsibility of rural revitalization,and implement the main energy requirements of the secretary of the county party committee Strengthen the construction of the Party committee's rural work organization,vigorously cultivate the"three rural"work teams who understand agriculture,love the countryside,and love farmers,and improve the treatment of rural cadres.Insist on starting from the reality of the countryside,adapting to local conditions,respecting the wishes of farmers,doing our best and doing everything within our abilities,solving the urgent issues one by one,striving to avoid formalism and bureaucracy,and preventing simplification of policy implementation and"one size fits all".The implementation of the"three rural"policies since the 19th National Congress of the Party is an important part of the central inspection.
  Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core,strengthen our confidence,forge ahead,work hard,and work hard,resolutely win the battle against poverty and accelerate the replenishment of outstanding shortcomings in the comprehensive well-off"three agriculture"field,Make due contributions to the decisive victory of building a well-off society in an all-round way and achieving the goal of the first century of struggle!
Prev:Guangdong, Shenzhen and Zhuhai passed the "No Wild Order" on the same day. Shenzhen fasted cats and dogs with a maximum penalty of 30 times, and issued wild bans in many places...